Commitment to inclusion
The southeast region of Victoria is a diverse population, with residents, workers, and visitors from various cultural, religious, and linguistic backgrounds.
Residents come from more than 170 cultures, and more than half speak a language other than English at home. There are differences in age, gender, race, and colour, as well as abilities, family status, and sexual preferences.
Our services are available to everyone. We work hard to make them accessible, welcoming and respectful for all.
You can expect a discrimination-free, confidential, and inclusive service, with well-trained staff who welcome and act on feedback.
Child safety
wayss is a child-safe organisation.
We are committed to responding to abuse complaints, managing risks proactively, and ensuring children’s participation in decisions affecting their lives.
wayss adheres to Child Safe Standards and Principles, provides ongoing training on child safety, and maintains policies and procedures to support a child-safe environment.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are
over-represented among those experiencing homelessness
in Victoria.
wayss acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the First Australians and is committed to providing inclusive services that respect their continuing connection to culture and country.
People with a disability can face greater challenges in accessing housing.
Due to differing interactions with the workforce, or additional requirements for mobility or living support, appropriate housing can be difficult to find and access.
wayss works with clients to combat discrimination and offers support to help people access appropriate accommodation.
Gender & sexuality
LGBTIQ+ people have a higher risk of experiencing homelessness than their peers.
To support them, it’s crucial that our services are respectful of diverse sexualities and genders.
wayss provides information on LGBTIQ+ services and consults with people on the individual services they need.
Our staff are continually trained in inclusive practices. This includes providing respectful support and facilitating voluntary discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation.
We also recognise key LGBTIQ+ events such as Transgender Day of Visibility, Wear It Purple Day, and the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT).
wayss is a member of Pride in Health and Wellbeing, the Rainbow Health Victoria Family Violence Community of Practice, and the Queer Family Violence Network.
Employment at wayss
Hearing from a range of perspectives and experiences allow us to form better connections with people accessing our services.
With several diversity certifications including a Rainbow tick, wayss champions diversity and inclusion within our workforce to drive better outcomes and encourage new ways of thinking and addressing challenges.